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Cohabitation is living together and having a sexual relationship without being married.

In Texas, cohabitation refers to a situation where two individuals live together and engage in a sexual relationship without being legally married. Texas law does not provide specific legal status or rights to cohabiting couples as it does for married couples. This means that cohabiting partners do not automatically have property rights, spousal support rights, or inheritance rights that are granted through marriage under Texas law. However, cohabiting couples in Texas can enter into cohabitation agreements, which are similar to prenuptial agreements, to outline the division of property and financial responsibilities should the relationship end. It's important to note that while cohabitation itself is not illegal in Texas, the state does have laws against adultery, which is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with one not the spouse. If one or both cohabiting partners are married to someone else, they could potentially face legal consequences for adultery.

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In today's society, it's not uncommon for couples to live together without formally tying the knot. This practice, known as cohabitation, carries with it a set of legal implications that many may not be aware of.